Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sports Car Fund

     Well as I mentioned earlier in the summer that I was trying to sell soap.  The goal was to make a little bit of cash to buy my sports car that I've always wanted.  If my calculator is right, which I am hoping it's not, I will need about 50,000 to pay for it.  After about two days of the soap business I realized that this was not going to work.  I hadn't sold one bar of soap.  I guess that a little cute mouse selling soap isn't much of a draw.  I don't know why??  Anyway, after discussing it with my closest advisers, I have decided to put a donation box outside of my hole, and one at the front desk, if the ladies will let me.  I am hoping that everyone will donate to the House Mouse's sports car fund!  I will let you know how it turns out.  Have a great week!

Amana House Mouse

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