Monday, November 11, 2013

Christmas List

     It is another rainy fall day in November, and the house mouse is sitting outside of his hole thinking of something fun to do.  "What a boring day" I thought.  Then it came to me,  I need to start making my Christmas list.  It's not that far away you know.  So I jumped up and went back in my hole, got out a piece of paper and my trusty pen, and started to make my list.  I thought for a few minutes, but I couldn't think of anything.  So, I decided to walk around the store and see if I saw anything that would be good presents for my family.  Well let's just say it didn't take long for my list to fill up with all kinds of wonderful things.  Any time you need to get some great ideas for your shopping list just stop by the Amana General Store and check all of our merchandise out.  That's all for now.

Amana House Mouse

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