Monday, November 18, 2013

Making a bed

     What do you do when your bed breaks?  Buy a new one? NO!  I don't have that kind of money.... My favorite bed broke as I was taking a nap last week.  Either the bed was defective or I am putting on weight.  I think I know which one it is.  The bottom line is that I need a new bed, so I went to the wood store to pick up some materials. Finding good bed plans can sometimes be difficult, especially mouse size bed plans.  Well, I got my creative juices working, got out my tool belt and got to work.   Seven hours later I finally finished the bed, but something was still missing.  Oh yeah, it might be a good idea to get a new mattress.  After I put the new mattress on, there was STILL something missing. "What could possibly be missing?", I thought.  I finally figured it out.  I needed to stain the bed! Now it looks beautiful with some wood stain.  It feels so good to make something yourself and save some $$ in the process.

Amana House Mouse

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