Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Oktoberfest Recap

     I am still in confusion from all the festivities that took place here in Amana on Oktoberfest weekend.  So many people, so many cars, so many sacks.....I mean a lot of sacks!  There were so many people squashed into the store I was afraid that I would get stepped on, and I almost did.  Having events every year like Maifeast and Oktoberfest, (and my favorite, Prelude to Christmas!), are wonderful times, traditions in fact, that should be carried on for generations.  However, it is next to impossible to beat the still, quiet homey feel of the Amana Colonies.  Anyway, back to Oktoberfest....So I was sitting outside the store eating my favorite roasted nuts, and watching the parade go by, when a certain float caught my eye.  It was a semi with some kind of fountain of water on it.  On the side of it said things about the different colonies.  It was so cool that I was left awestruck after it went by.  I later found out that it was the Middle Amana float.  I saw in the bulletin the next week that this float won the prize for best float.  Then I saw that Middle won the prize for the best car too!  WHAT IS IT ABOUT MIDDLE???  Is it really the best colony in the Amanas??

Amana House Mouse

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