Friday, July 5, 2013

Fourth of July Picnic

     With the Fourth of July happening yesterday, I decided in honor of Independence Day I should organize a Fourth of July picnic.  What a wonderful idea, I thought to myself. So I invited all of my mouse friends to celebrate with me.  Now the only thing left to do was to prepare for it.  I must get the proper supplies for this special event.  So when you are going to have a picnic, you have to have a picnic basket for one thing, and for another, you have to have food supplies.  So I got my picnic basket out and started filling it with all the necessary things.  After a few trips upstairs I had everything I needed.  First I packed a blanket to sit on, then plates and cups, bug never know when you'll need that, and most importantly the food........FOOD! I live for food.  So I packed Cheese of course, crackers,corn nuts, popcorn, chips, and meat too....But there was something missing....mmmmmm....I know!  The best root beer known to mousekind...Millstream!  Oh yeah! That topped everything I need to enjoy this wonderful holiday.  I just can't wait for the fireworks!!!

Amana House Mouse 

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