Tuesday, July 16, 2013

     We all know how much fun it is to visit some one's house, so while I was sitting in my living room chair just about to read the newspaper the phone rang.  I got out of my favorite rocking chair and picked up the phone.  It was my mother.  She was calling to see if I wanted to come over to her house for tea and cakes tomorrow.  Well you know me anything with food involved I'm all for it.  I told her I would love to visit her.  She was thrilled.  I didn't want to just show up empty handed so I decided to get her a small gift from the store.  Since she was going to be doing some baking, I thought I could give her some new hot pads.  My little visit went very well and my mother just loved the gift.  With summer coming to an end my vacation is coming up soon!  I will tell you more next week.

My Mom just loved these potholders!

Check out our facebook page for all the other great hostess gift ideas I found!

Amana House Mouse

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