Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Spring Is Here!

     I don't want to jinx it but I think it's safe to say that the snow is finally over.  I think it's time to get out of the house and into some of this wonderful weather.  Think about it, it was 50 degrees last week and it felt like 80 when I walked out side.  Maybe that just confirms that we had a really cold winter.  Anyway I've been doing some spring cleaning around my little hole, and have discovered that I have a lot of junk around my place.  So I am already planning my yard sale for this spring, and now that it is here I can put it into action.  I will have some tables set up just outside of my hole.  Everyone walks by that way it and it will for sure draw some attention.  Just think about all the money I could make, and get rid of my junk at the same time.  You know what they say,"One mouses junk is another mouses treasure".  After I clean out some stuff in my house I can replenish it with some of the new wonderful spring items that we have in the store.  It all looks so beautiful upstairs I am sometimes tempted to move up there.  Well, hope you all enjoy this wonderful spring weather!

Amana House Mouse   

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Looking Forward to Spring

     Hello, House Mouse here.  Christmas is over, New Year's is over, Winter is over?????, well not quite yet.  I wish it were, and I'm not the only one either.  After chatting with one of my good friends last night, He lives in East Amana, just about a mile north east of Amana (naturally).  He was telling me how much colder it is where he lives.  I couldn't understand what he meant, because East Amana is very close to Amana.  The temperature should not fluctuate that much from here to there.  As He explained more I realized what he was talking about.  He was talking about the WIND!  East is surrounded by open fields, therefore the wind just whips right through town causing much colder weather and a lot of drifting snow.  After our conversation, he made me feel like I was living in Hawaii.  Actually it didn't affect my view at all.  I did realize that this winter has been vary strange, I mean vary strange.  Just think, about it at least half a dozen snows in December (not to mention the wild wind), North Pole like temperatures, and just about a repeat of that in January.  Wow, hopefully that is all behind us, and there is warm weather ahead of us.  For some reason I could not get out of my head how many people complained to me about all the HOT weather we had last summer.  That worked out well.  Sometimes we get just what we ask for, cooler weather........but the extreme......like 10 below! (that's without the windchill).  So I asked myself, is there a place on earth that looks just like Iowa, and is 75 degrees and partly cloudy every day of the year, and rains 1/4 of an inch every night?????  No. So I came to the realization that in Iowa its going to be hot in the summer and cold in the winter, and complaining does not help any.....I actually think it makes it worse.  As I look forward to spring I am thankful that here in Iowa we get all of the four wonderful seasons.  I do wish it would warm up though.

Amana House Mouse

Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas is here!

     It's getting real close to that time of year.  When presents are exchanged, as well as smiles.  Oh I just love Christmas time.  I had all of my lights up the day after Thanksgiving as usual, as well as all of the decorating and my favorite, the Christmas tree!!!  There is something about putting the tree up in my living room.  It's so warm and cozy just sitting by the Christmas tree, pondering this wonderful time of year.  If your like me and wait till the last second to get your Christmas gifts, don't be.  Stop in the Amana General Store today, and pick out all the wonderful gifts you need.  It's easy to find them at The Amana General Store!  Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Amana House Mouse

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thanksgiving Day Adventure

     Once again I have eaten too much food on Thanksgiving.  This is nothing new, it happens every year, but this year it happened for a worthy cause.  Let me give you a little background.  Thanksgiving dinner was over at my mother's house in High Amana.  For a house mouse that trip is quite a long one, and since I do not have a sports car...yet, I have to walk, or catch the bus.  That morning as I was getting ready putting on my beautiful Thanksgiving apparel, and making sure I have everything that I need, the time was 9:36.  I had exactly fifty four minutes before the bus left for High.  Mother wanted me there at 11:00, so I had plenty of time to get there.  The bus leaves at 10:30 I need to arrive at 11:00.  "Perfect"I thought.  I will have plenty of time to make it there early.  On concluding my preparation for the visit, I made my way outside to wait for the bus.  I arrived three minutes early at the bus stop.  After waiting two and a half minutes I was getting a little uneasy.  Two and a half minutes later I knew something was wrong.  Apparently Thanksgiving is a holiday, and the bus driver does not work on holidays.......  Well to cut the rest of this story short I ended up running as fast as my little legs could carry me all the way over to my mother's house.  Due to the excessive exercise I was put through, I ended up eating way more food than usual for Thanksgiving dinner.  I had to replenish all of the energy that I lost from running all that way.  So that is my Thanksgiving adventure, and I also realized something I was very thankful for.......the bus!

Amana House Mouse

Monday, November 18, 2013

Making a bed

     What do you do when your bed breaks?  Buy a new one? NO!  I don't have that kind of money.... My favorite bed broke as I was taking a nap last week.  Either the bed was defective or I am putting on weight.  I think I know which one it is.  The bottom line is that I need a new bed, so I went to the wood store to pick up some materials. Finding good bed plans can sometimes be difficult, especially mouse size bed plans.  Well, I got my creative juices working, got out my tool belt and got to work.   Seven hours later I finally finished the bed, but something was still missing.  Oh yeah, it might be a good idea to get a new mattress.  After I put the new mattress on, there was STILL something missing. "What could possibly be missing?", I thought.  I finally figured it out.  I needed to stain the bed! Now it looks beautiful with some wood stain.  It feels so good to make something yourself and save some $$ in the process.

Amana House Mouse

Monday, November 11, 2013

Christmas List

     It is another rainy fall day in November, and the house mouse is sitting outside of his hole thinking of something fun to do.  "What a boring day" I thought.  Then it came to me,  I need to start making my Christmas list.  It's not that far away you know.  So I jumped up and went back in my hole, got out a piece of paper and my trusty pen, and started to make my list.  I thought for a few minutes, but I couldn't think of anything.  So, I decided to walk around the store and see if I saw anything that would be good presents for my family.  Well let's just say it didn't take long for my list to fill up with all kinds of wonderful things.  Any time you need to get some great ideas for your shopping list just stop by the Amana General Store and check all of our merchandise out.  That's all for now.

Amana House Mouse

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sports Car Fund

     Well as I mentioned earlier in the summer that I was trying to sell soap.  The goal was to make a little bit of cash to buy my sports car that I've always wanted.  If my calculator is right, which I am hoping it's not, I will need about 50,000 to pay for it.  After about two days of the soap business I realized that this was not going to work.  I hadn't sold one bar of soap.  I guess that a little cute mouse selling soap isn't much of a draw.  I don't know why??  Anyway, after discussing it with my closest advisers, I have decided to put a donation box outside of my hole, and one at the front desk, if the ladies will let me.  I am hoping that everyone will donate to the House Mouse's sports car fund!  I will let you know how it turns out.  Have a great week!

Amana House Mouse