Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sports Car Fund

     Well as I mentioned earlier in the summer that I was trying to sell soap.  The goal was to make a little bit of cash to buy my sports car that I've always wanted.  If my calculator is right, which I am hoping it's not, I will need about 50,000 to pay for it.  After about two days of the soap business I realized that this was not going to work.  I hadn't sold one bar of soap.  I guess that a little cute mouse selling soap isn't much of a draw.  I don't know why??  Anyway, after discussing it with my closest advisers, I have decided to put a donation box outside of my hole, and one at the front desk, if the ladies will let me.  I am hoping that everyone will donate to the House Mouse's sports car fund!  I will let you know how it turns out.  Have a great week!

Amana House Mouse

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Cold Weather is Here

     Well the cold weather is finally here.  When I walk outside I instantly feel the chill.  Brrrrr.  That just means that we are that much closer to CHRISTMAS!, and snow.  What I love best about the fall weather is the leaves.  I love jumping in them, raking them, and best all, driving around and looking at all the wonderful colors.  Speaking of Christmas, that will be here soon enough, but as I always say, "You cannot play Christmas music until after Thanksgiving".  Thanksgiving has got to be one of the best holidays because it revolves around two things, being thankful, and eating!  Have I mentioned I love to eat? Some of you may not know that the coffee and tea room now has cappuccino!  That is one of my favorite drinks.  So stop in at the Amana General Store to check out all our wonderful gifts, and don't forget to make a trip downstairs and taste some of our fresh coffee in this cold weather.

Amana House Mouse

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Oktoberfest Recap

     I am still in confusion from all the festivities that took place here in Amana on Oktoberfest weekend.  So many people, so many cars, so many sacks.....I mean a lot of sacks!  There were so many people squashed into the store I was afraid that I would get stepped on, and I almost did.  Having events every year like Maifeast and Oktoberfest, (and my favorite, Prelude to Christmas!), are wonderful times, traditions in fact, that should be carried on for generations.  However, it is next to impossible to beat the still, quiet homey feel of the Amana Colonies.  Anyway, back to Oktoberfest....So I was sitting outside the store eating my favorite roasted nuts, and watching the parade go by, when a certain float caught my eye.  It was a semi with some kind of fountain of water on it.  On the side of it said things about the different colonies.  It was so cool that I was left awestruck after it went by.  I later found out that it was the Middle Amana float.  I saw in the bulletin the next week that this float won the prize for best float.  Then I saw that Middle won the prize for the best car too!  WHAT IS IT ABOUT MIDDLE???  Is it really the best colony in the Amanas??

Amana House Mouse

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Octoberfest is Here!

     Oktoberfest is coming this weekend!  I am so excited!  There is so much to do to get ready.  New merchandise is all over the store, and I can't keep track of it all.  It seems like every day we get a new load of boxes in with all kinds of cool stuff.  We are all hoping for a big weekend. The sounds, the sights, the smells,  I can't wait!  The nut stand will be open outside all weekend selling our delicious roasted nuts.  I know I will be making at least a few trips out there to get some nuts, and don't forget the parade!!!  It starts at 10:00 AM.  So clear your schedule, and don't miss Oktoberfest 2013 at the Amana Colonies. (Oct. 4th, 5th, and 6th.)  See you there!

P.S. Don't forget to visit me at the Amana General Store!

Amana House Mouse