Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Lots of Stuff!

     Sometimes as a house mouse I like to get out of my hole and venture around the store, even at night.  However, the other day I noticed something that I never noticed before. There is a lot of stuff in this store. I don't know how in the world those workers keep track of all that stuff. People are always moving things to different places, and once I figure out where things are, I come back and they are gone.  So I decided to move some things around and see if they notice.  One night I came to the conclusion that it was time.  I moved Christmas items, Spring items, Fall items, Summer items, and just about everything except the food, and guess what happened.....no one seemed to notice, unbelievable.  I guess that just means we have a lot of things in our store-----Good things though, and people know it because now that it is summer there are people everywhere, and sometimes I can't leave my hole because it get's too crowded.  Anyway summer is finally here and business is picking up fast, so don't forget to come and visit me! See you soon!!

Amana House Mouse   

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