Friday, June 14, 2013

Father's Day

     So Father's Day is this weekend and I could not decide what to get my father for a gift.  I thought that it might be a good idea to look around the store and see what manly things we have.  Starting in the basement sounded like a good idea, so I hopped out of my hole and started browsing around.  The first thing that caught my eye was the dual marshmellow roaster.....mmmmmmm I kind of wanted that for myself but I have to think of what my dad would like...Right, because it's Father's Day.  So I moved on the the cabin stuff.  We have cool cabin signs as well as furniture, bedding and all sorts of odds and ends.  I really like the log fans....but I would not be able to fit that into my house.  So I thought that a coffee mug and coasters would be just the thing...I don't know, shoot me some idea's on Facebook for what I should get!  I have my own page there, it is under "The House Mouse".  In the meantime I will just keep looking.  Talk to you soon!

Amana House Mouse

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