Friday, June 28, 2013

New Furniture

     Check out this wonderful new home warming furniture!!!  We just got it in the store a few weeks ago.  This stuff is some of the coolest vintage looking pieces that I have seen.  I could not wait to check it all out.  I think some of this beautiful merchandise needs to be located down in the basement were I can enjoy it, what do you think?  I know how great I look in pictures, so I decided to pose for a few on my blog.  My favorite piece by far would have to be the tractor seat.  I just look so stellar in it, and it's very comfortable! This furniture would look way cool in any one's house, including mine =)  I love the way the pictures turned out too.  So if you're looking for some new stuff to add to your home you better stop by the store and see it before I decide I need it!

Amana House Mouse

Friday, June 21, 2013


     I was thinking the other day that my little house is quite dark.  So the only thing to do was to go pick out some lights.  I didn't have to walk in the store very far to find light fixtures, and all kinds of lights, lamps, even chandeliers.  The only question was how would I get the light that I wanted down into my house.....mmmm I decided that I should pick out the one that I wanted first and then recruit some help to move it.  It sounded like a good idea to me.  Deciding on which light seemed almost as hard as trying to move it.  The one that would best fit my home was the chandelier.  It was the biggest one, so I decided to call one of my good friends to help me move it.  I whipped out my phone book and called the High Amana Store Mouse, he is always very helpful.  I caught him while he was just on his way out to visit Wilbur at the Meat Shop, this was ideal, he was already making a trip over to Amana anyway.  Naturally he offered his help and was over in a jiffy.  On reaching the top of the chandelier we loved the view that it brought. We could see everything in the store.  It was lots of fun swinging around on it too.  Like I said in a jiff we had it down, and it was on the way to my hole.  The only problem was, we could not fit it into the hole.  I was sooooooooooo disappointed.  Well not all was lost.  We both thought it would be a good idea to hang it outside of my hole, and it would still light up my house just as well.  So that is just what we did.  Don't forget there are still lots more lights here at the store and I'm sure you would be able to find the right fit just like I did!

Amana House Mouse

Friday, June 14, 2013

Father's Day

     So Father's Day is this weekend and I could not decide what to get my father for a gift.  I thought that it might be a good idea to look around the store and see what manly things we have.  Starting in the basement sounded like a good idea, so I hopped out of my hole and started browsing around.  The first thing that caught my eye was the dual marshmellow roaster.....mmmmmmm I kind of wanted that for myself but I have to think of what my dad would like...Right, because it's Father's Day.  So I moved on the the cabin stuff.  We have cool cabin signs as well as furniture, bedding and all sorts of odds and ends.  I really like the log fans....but I would not be able to fit that into my house.  So I thought that a coffee mug and coasters would be just the thing...I don't know, shoot me some idea's on Facebook for what I should get!  I have my own page there, it is under "The House Mouse".  In the meantime I will just keep looking.  Talk to you soon!

Amana House Mouse

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Lots of Stuff!

     Sometimes as a house mouse I like to get out of my hole and venture around the store, even at night.  However, the other day I noticed something that I never noticed before. There is a lot of stuff in this store. I don't know how in the world those workers keep track of all that stuff. People are always moving things to different places, and once I figure out where things are, I come back and they are gone.  So I decided to move some things around and see if they notice.  One night I came to the conclusion that it was time.  I moved Christmas items, Spring items, Fall items, Summer items, and just about everything except the food, and guess what one seemed to notice, unbelievable.  I guess that just means we have a lot of things in our store-----Good things though, and people know it because now that it is summer there are people everywhere, and sometimes I can't leave my hole because it get's too crowded.  Anyway summer is finally here and business is picking up fast, so don't forget to come and visit me! See you soon!!

Amana House Mouse