Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Under appreciated mouse

     There are times when a mouse is hungry, and when a mouse is hungry strange things sometimes happen.  Last night I was sitting in my easy chair reading a book on "How Mice Conquer the World" when all of a sudden I felt a rumble in my stomach.  Now this was not the ordinary hungry feeling that everyone gets.  This was much worse.  So I put my book down and walked over to my refrigerator, and looked for something to eat.  The fridge was empty!  What, "how could I forget to replenish my food this week?", I thought.  Well, I told myself that I must have something to eat or I won't be able to sleep tonight. I searched and searched and searched, but I could find absolutely nothing.  Then a thought occured to me, I shouldn't have to replenish my fridge, the problem is, the staff here at the store does not feed me at all.  That was the problem.  Well I'll just have to fix that, I thought, so I went up to the main floor.  The store had long since been closed for the day. I'll just withdraw what is rightfully mine.  If they won't feed me I'll just feed myself....the free way.  I hopped up on the food cooler and snagged some of the best cheese and meat, and then I moved over to the shelves and found the yummy brownie mixes. I did disrupt the shelves a little bit as a friendly present to the staff the next morning.  Nothing better than a mouse making a mess, I thought.  Nobody appreciates me anymore, well maybe some day they will.  Very soon my hunger was gone, and I was sound asleep.

Amana House Mouse

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