Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas is here!

     It's getting real close to that time of year.  When presents are exchanged, as well as smiles.  Oh I just love Christmas time.  I had all of my lights up the day after Thanksgiving as usual, as well as all of the decorating and my favorite, the Christmas tree!!!  There is something about putting the tree up in my living room.  It's so warm and cozy just sitting by the Christmas tree, pondering this wonderful time of year.  If your like me and wait till the last second to get your Christmas gifts, don't be.  Stop in the Amana General Store today, and pick out all the wonderful gifts you need.  It's easy to find them at The Amana General Store!  Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Amana House Mouse

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thanksgiving Day Adventure

     Once again I have eaten too much food on Thanksgiving.  This is nothing new, it happens every year, but this year it happened for a worthy cause.  Let me give you a little background.  Thanksgiving dinner was over at my mother's house in High Amana.  For a house mouse that trip is quite a long one, and since I do not have a sports car...yet, I have to walk, or catch the bus.  That morning as I was getting ready putting on my beautiful Thanksgiving apparel, and making sure I have everything that I need, the time was 9:36.  I had exactly fifty four minutes before the bus left for High.  Mother wanted me there at 11:00, so I had plenty of time to get there.  The bus leaves at 10:30 I need to arrive at 11:00.  "Perfect"I thought.  I will have plenty of time to make it there early.  On concluding my preparation for the visit, I made my way outside to wait for the bus.  I arrived three minutes early at the bus stop.  After waiting two and a half minutes I was getting a little uneasy.  Two and a half minutes later I knew something was wrong.  Apparently Thanksgiving is a holiday, and the bus driver does not work on holidays.......  Well to cut the rest of this story short I ended up running as fast as my little legs could carry me all the way over to my mother's house.  Due to the excessive exercise I was put through, I ended up eating way more food than usual for Thanksgiving dinner.  I had to replenish all of the energy that I lost from running all that way.  So that is my Thanksgiving adventure, and I also realized something I was very thankful for.......the bus!

Amana House Mouse