Friday, September 27, 2013

House Mouse of Sales

     I was reading on the Internet the other day, and I came across this interesting article that explained about marketing and selling an item.  As I read I got very interested about trying to sell my own item.   As you well know I don't make very much money as the House Mouse.  So selling something on my own would help with my income!!  I looked around the store for an item to try to sell.  I finally found something worthy of my market.....bars of soap and jars of liquid soap. I knew this would work........I would just set up my stand right next to the soap, and anytime anyone wants to get some soap I will just let them know that the House Mouse is selling the soap.  Naturally I will make millions......tons of people buy soap.  I will try it for a while and see how I do.  Soon I will be able to buy that sports car I have always wanted!

 Amana House Mouse

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