Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Looking Forward to Spring

     Hello, House Mouse here.  Christmas is over, New Year's is over, Winter is over?????, well not quite yet.  I wish it were, and I'm not the only one either.  After chatting with one of my good friends last night, He lives in East Amana, just about a mile north east of Amana (naturally).  He was telling me how much colder it is where he lives.  I couldn't understand what he meant, because East Amana is very close to Amana.  The temperature should not fluctuate that much from here to there.  As He explained more I realized what he was talking about.  He was talking about the WIND!  East is surrounded by open fields, therefore the wind just whips right through town causing much colder weather and a lot of drifting snow.  After our conversation, he made me feel like I was living in Hawaii.  Actually it didn't affect my view at all.  I did realize that this winter has been vary strange, I mean vary strange.  Just think, about it at least half a dozen snows in December (not to mention the wild wind), North Pole like temperatures, and just about a repeat of that in January.  Wow, hopefully that is all behind us, and there is warm weather ahead of us.  For some reason I could not get out of my head how many people complained to me about all the HOT weather we had last summer.  That worked out well.  Sometimes we get just what we ask for, cooler weather........but the 10 below! (that's without the windchill).  So I asked myself, is there a place on earth that looks just like Iowa, and is 75 degrees and partly cloudy every day of the year, and rains 1/4 of an inch every night?????  No. So I came to the realization that in Iowa its going to be hot in the summer and cold in the winter, and complaining does not help any.....I actually think it makes it worse.  As I look forward to spring I am thankful that here in Iowa we get all of the four wonderful seasons.  I do wish it would warm up though.

Amana House Mouse