Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Maifest 2013

     Hello, House Mouse here.  Just wanted to drop in on my very special blog, and announce that Maifest last weekend was a success, even though it was kind of raining.  I, as a house mouse, am much like my name "House Mouse", which means that I stay in the house, so the rain didn't really affect me.  However, the rain did bring many people into the General Store.  I make my way around the store quite easily in my adventures, withdrawing what is rightfully mine in the store.  My favorite target is the cheese, naturally, so last weekend when I went for my afternoon snack I made my way up to the main floor, hopped on the food cooler, and decided what kind of cheese I would like best.  I usually take cheddar, but on this special occasion I decided to try something different.  As I hopped into the cooler I forgot how many cheese selections we have at our store, so I realized this would be a very tough decision. We have Colby, Farmers, Havarti, Havarti Dill, Cheddar, Swiss, Garden Vegetable, Sharp Cheddar, Pepper Jack, and Calico Cheese.  Can you believe that!  So as you can see this was a very difficult choice. In the end I decided to take a pinch of them all! Stop in at the Amana General Store and check them all out.  That's all for now.......I can smell the nuts roasting up stairs.  See you next time!!
                       Me in my lederhosen surrounded by cheese!

Amana House Mouse.