Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Knock on Wood

What a great surprise!
The other day, one of the ladies that works upstairs brought me a present – a mini-Adirondack chair!  Boy was I excited!  As a mouse, I am used to living simple, but this gift made me rethink the design of my little home in the Amana Coffee & Tea room.  To get the creative juices pumping, I decided to visit a shop with the most beautiful furniture on the planet – the Amana Furniture & Clock Shop.

Monday, August 6, 2012

A Warm and Woolen Adventure

Summer is my favorite season!

The Amanas are always busy with people, the Lily Lake is in bloom and every sunset is even more beautiful than the last.  One of my favorite summer activities is visiting the different stores in the village and seeing all of the products made in Amana.  The other day, I decided to trek down to one of Amana’s most iconic businesses – the Woolen Mill.