Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Perfect Little Hole for a Home

Me hard at work blogging!
Guten Tag!  Welcome to my blog “A Bite of Cheese.”  After getting so much daily attention, I’ve decided to start blogging about my exciting life as the Amana General Store’s House Mouse.  I'm hoping it's the perfect way to stay in touch with all the friendly people I get to meet every day.

The Amana General Store is the perfect home for a mouse like me.  I chose to live here for a variety of reasons, none less than the constant supply of wonderful goodies and products sold at the store.  However, the history of Amana and the building itself also fascinate me.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Introductory Blog Post


The Amana General Store House Mouse here.  Thanks for visiting my blog where I'll be posting my many adventures around the store and the colonies. Stay tuned for more posts to come soon!